This is the first of 5 chapters of "The dark cell", my story with tanks and monsters, and maybe kitties in power armor.
The dark cell.
The dead city was covered by the first snow of that winter. Only he kept track of the date: November, 8th, year 2309, 07:30:45:009.
Many would look at him and call him an “it”, a monster, a mere machine, but he choose to address himself as a male individual, with a name, Dark Cell 208809.78#NXZ. When some humans were still around, they called him DK, Dee Kay.
He missed the humans, the ones who worked with him, not the ones who were classified as hostiles or civilians, those were just annoying, running around and hiding in places his big body couldn’t fit.
He was big, three times the size of an old Abrahams tank, with energy-reactive crystal armor, capable of withstanding a direct hit of one hundred thirty five kilotons, barely indestructible, I mean, to conventional weapons.
His memory accessed file 0900029030029-1A, the moment he was hit by a rail gun ultra-thin crystal kinetic projectile with a depleted uranium core, and he remembered the pain of the wound, processed and quantified in more than fifty thousand errors and damages reports (gladly none critical). He felt something similar to relieve while accessing the subsequent file, with his counter attack, a volley of his main weapon, the MK989-350mm energy gun. The image of the anti tank vehicle bursting into superheated metallic vapors brought a feeling of relieve, safety, not vengeance. He wasn’t a vengeful war-machine.
The rays of sun started to piece the dark clouds and rained over the city, a beautiful view, pondered DK. But he had work to do.
OPERATION THOR: directive 9819299190000012#L12, search and destroy all hostiles, time elapsed, 13.140 days, three hours, twenty minutes, four seconds.
He checked his mission data, and thousands of maps, videos, voice recordings and numbers flooded his cyber mind. Bottom line, he confirmed the destruction of 177.092.445 hostiles.
He loaded the encrypted information and transmitted it to the support-satellite. In the old days, while humans were still around, they would give him feedback on his progress, sometimes cold reports asking for more incisive actions, other times a cheerful complement (and he missed those last ones). Now he got nothing but raw information on possible targets. Sometimes he tried to talk to other machines, but most of them didn’t had the intelligence to talk back like humans, and the others never developed a personality, like he did, so they were cold and distant.
Sad and lonely, he accessed the memory file 01076433302-F: His favorite human, Hudson, Michele, mechanic. The red haired girl with short hair and freckles was in her early twenties, who had beautiful green eyes. She was up-grading his optical sensors on his main sensor tower. Sweat and grease covered her joyful face.
-Easy… almost done Deek. Ok, how is it?
-No software related issues detected, new hardware working perfectly on its specifications. I confirm an increase of 39 to 43% in my long range fine targeting capability and a boost of 60% in my wide specter scanning capabilities.
The girl smiled even more, and with motherly pride, pated DK on the top of his sensor tower. His nano pressure sensors registred every micron of her skin touching him, and he felt strangely warm, even with his temperature systems working perfectly accordingly within specifications. He was happy to see that she was happy.
-That’s my boy! Now get ready to run some field tests, some military will follow it from distance, and it will include real targets and live ammo. Make mommy proud!
-I will Michele.
She frowned. And looking sad, asked:
Worried with her feelings, he decided, again, to suppress the official name designation code and mended:
-Sorry, I will make you proud mom!
She laughed and gave him a little kiss, smiling happily:
- You already do Dee ! You are such a good boy!
He felt so happy, so proud of himself, so motivated. His sensors saved the print of her lips against his armor. That was his more precious memory file, more even than his access and control codes.
Soon he was heading to his field test: first he boarded the unmanned air transport, its cargo area refited to accommodate him with few centimeters to spare.
-Dark Cell, we have confirmation on a hostile force moving outside the urban area of Narita. Five possessed tanks, all level 7, two hundred infested soldiers, all above level 9. The auto-defense systems can’t hold their advance for much longer. Narita is one of our main center of weapon industries, and have a large settlement of refugees. Protect our industrial capabilities is your first mission objective, all collateral damages, structural and human must be minimal. You will be fast-dropped north-west of lake Inba-numa, then you must procced south. The enemy is holding both ends of it’s bridge. Heavy suppressive fire is expected, but causing damage to the bridge is unaceptable. For this you will test your new long range fine targeting, and snipe any enemy forces there. At least two tanks are there all the time, and 90 soldiers.
-Once you accomplish destroying enemy forces at the bridge, proceed east. Regular troops will follow from east and secure the bridge. Be aware of their location prior and after the attack so we don’t have any friendly fire incident.
- At east, a dense residential area. Civilians have been evacuated, the enemy control it completely. A heavy carpet bombing with incendiary charges would clean the area, but we are already on the limit of our capacity to sustain refugees. We cant afford to loose the housing and hospitals in this zone, so you will proceed to a cleaning operation, seeking minimal damage to the structures. Its very important that you move carefully and quickly, once a important industrial area are nearby. Is under our control by now. The Highway marked in your map is the line that separate friendly and enemy zones, so when you reach the center of the residential area you will have friendly forces at west and east. Once you clean this area, move south, across the remains of the Azuma Elementary school , were the major enemy forces are engaging our auto defense forces. Expect heavy resistance.
-Once you destroy the hostile units you will patrol the area until new orders are designed to you.
Far away, on an underground military complex, executives and generals watch the operation unfold.
-So this is the latest model. You think it can turn things in our favor?
-If it can’t, nothing else can, general.
-… Is better work.
-It will.
The transporter flew low and fast, as the rear door opened. But before DK could be ejected, a beam of red energy hit the plane, that bursts in a scarlet ball of fire, crashing at the edge of the lake.
-Dammit… If you think the army is going to pay for that lost bot…
-No “lost bot”. watch.
Melted metal touch the waters as clouds of smoke and vapor covers the crashing point. Suddenly, a roaring sound resonate over the chaos and destruction. Powerful metal threads crush debris like paper, as the metallic behemoth crawl out of the fire, undamaged.
His body is covered with armor and weapons. With his sensors, keen far beyond human, he scans the area and find two possessed tanks and twenty six infected soldiers. He weights his options and priorities. He could literally level the city, but take it back with minimal damage demanded finesse. He actives his 20mm rail gun, and loaded two high explosion soft point shells.
-What?!? Soft shells against possessed tanks?!?- A old general shout, pointing the deformed enemy at the screen, something dark and slime that growth around and inside a old leopard 9F tank. Dark appendices who sometimes looked like branches, sometimes like spider legs covered its structure in a nightmarish way, with the barrel of his main weapon, a 200mm ballistic cannon mutated into a supernatural energy cannon, still glowing red hot from its previous fire.
-Those soft shells are anti personnel ammo, your silly tank is going to waste its shells and burn the bridge down in the …
But before the general could end ranting, two fast shots, followed by explosions were heard.
The possessed tanks were reduced to burning flesh and metal.
Now was the sound of Michelle sounding on the speakers.
-He shot both shells directly inside the barrels of the paranormal energy cannons. A respectable test, considering it was over 300 meters away and its targets were moving…He isn’t stupid general… Not at all.
Now his attention was on the infected soldiers, creatures who in the past were regular soldiers in advanced protection armors, turned into monsters; The infected tissue grown like a tumor, deforming its host beyond recognition. The only thing that gave them a human-like shape was the armor, now their skin. A tube, like a proboscis of a insect dangled from side to side, waving it’s small snake tongue from left to right. Dark eyes grew from its forehead like mushrooms on a rotten carcass. They still had the good AK-909 rifles, but the infected skin covered it, turning the gun into a living extension of their arms.
DK carefully marked the small unarmored section on their faces and selected thirty two incendiary rounds in his six barrel electric 8.75mm machine gun. Two rounds to each hostile. He fire a quick, almost continuous burst, correcting the angle of the gun so fast and so precisely that all enemies were hit in no more than two seconds. They fell dead on the floor, their heads in flames, bursting gulps of disgusting dark and viscous blood.
The horrid spectacle made the room silent. A man in a expensive Italian suit smiled with satisfaction as the military started to drop jaws in awe at the demonstration.
-See gentlemen, we invested much time and effort to develop our “Dark Cell” unit, and our goal was to craft a war-machine with unprecedented fire power and precision, after all, this war will not be won though mere numbers or raw brute force. The hostiles infect dead and alive, turning soldiers and citizens in new infected troopers, each one capable to turn others alike. They also take control of our machinery: Any vehicle can be possessed and turn in a biomechanical entity that defies our scientific knowledge. All that without mentioning the weapons they use.
In the wide screen, DK advanced directly through the waters. His powerful engines displacing tons of water like it was nothing. The wave he created hit the bridge, washing several corpses away. Now DK moved carefully around the bridge.
-See how smart and prudent our product is: Professor Michele Hudson , the creator of this machine, please can you explain to our guests what DK is doing?
-Gladly. DK is the most advanced AI ever designed using a original mind technique. Other AI’s cores are based in organic brains, from humans to mice. Those AI’s are actually softwares developed to emulate a previously existing organic structure, therefore they are limited, slow to learn, waste too much time and effort to replicate a structure that is prone to disaster and flaw. Not our DK. He use a neural-network that evolved from a original design. It’s core is unique, far more intelligent, emotional responsive, with great capability to supposition, imagination and learning. He is to other Artificial Intelligences what a ordinary AI is to a abacus.
The men stand there, marvelous at it, watching how naturally he searched the bridge and destroyed several IED’s well hidden in the structure.
-The hardware is also revolutionary. Let’s start from outside, where a revolutionary crystalline mesh alloy is blended with state of art ceramics and tungsten reinforced steel, completely developed by a Double Zero process: All materials are crafted in zero-g environment in our orbital factories, then slowly refrigerated to absolute zero. The result is the most perfect structure ever manufactured. But its not all. Look at the screen.
Dk stopped, a small barrel of steel aimed itself at the ground. Suddenly a shockwave irradiated from it, visible only due to the water and dust it agitated.
-Sonar cannon. As an offensive weapon can resonate in specific frequencies that can turn bones into splinters, or all buildings in a 300 meter radius in dust. As an sensor, its allow our unit to have 3D imagery of any solid structure. The perfect, functional X-ray vision, you could say, but with sound. And its not all. Every inch of his armor, threads included, is covered by a network of pressure and temperature sensors, that give him over thousand times the tact sensibility of the human skin. It also works as passive sonar, using environmental sounds to generate images. His own threads and engines against the ground allow him to pinpoint a single individual in a ten thousand crowd, just by the shape of his feet, obtained through sound waves resonating on the ground, in a radius of six kilometers. The water and the ground become his ears and eyes.
And a new screen opened. A perfect 3D map generated only by the sound of Dee Kay’s engines, showing vehicles, structures and even people. They were stunned to see the image of their own troop’s trough his sensors, like a live long range ultrasound.
-It’s…very impressive… It could solve our problems in identifying cover agents between refugees…
-It could and it will general. We are already in the late stages of a long range, man-portable ground sonar just like it…
A artificial voice sounded:
-First objective accomplished, proceeding with operation.
His voice had the same tone from before, but now the impact of his speech was greater, now the men in the meeting room watched silently and with satisfaction.
Away from there, Professor Michelle, AKA “mom”, rolled her eyes at the men in uniform. Idiots, she think, so damn limited and narrow minded. Wasted hundreds of millions lives and bankrupted economies with the “conventional warfare”, with the “nuclear intervention”, and with “strategic withdraws”.
He look at the screen monitoring the operation and smiled: Dark Cell was the only option now. Better later than never.
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