It’s day again, we survived another night.
It doesn’t act so violently like it does at night. I think the sun is too strong to his tastes, but still isn’t safe. Miguel tried to escape during the day, in a rubber boat. Carlos and Marcos went with him. I and the others were too afraid to leave, even when we are so close of the island.
Our fear saved us.
It struck from below, hit so hard that the boat and the men flew in the air, before falling in his kingdom. Yes, his kingdom, the ocean, where that cruel, vicious tyrant lust for death.
Miguel was the lucky one: We could see it swallowing him whole, and even hear the sound of his bones getting crush on that horrible mouth. Carlos wasn’t a good swimmer, he tried to escape, but he barely move, until the moment he was pulled down into the clear water. Marcos was an athlete; we really believed he would get to the island.
But he didn’t. Something got him, and we could see struggle and blood in the water, then Marcos appeared again, inexplicably close to us, five meters, just on the edge of the reef.
For the next hour we heard his screams, his calls for our help. Devious monster, he expected us to try something to save Marcos? How can it be so clever?
Fabricio was Marco’s best friend, and he tried to reach him, but we hold him just before he jump in the water. Just in time to see it’s dark shadow close to us, waiting, just below Marcos.
Marcos lay on its back for at least two hours, until it got tired of waiting. It grab our friend and twisted it like a crocodile would do. For almost one minute we hear his last screams, as he disappeared in that mouth, filled with jaws. Fabricio cried and prayed for hours, before risking going down into our ship. Since we got stuck in this reef, two days ago, it kept us alive, out of the reach of the beast, or so do us thought. But last night the captain tried to go into the flooded section of our ship, and was caught, we don’t know how.
It’s not a shark, not a squid, no one know what it is. But I do, oh yes, I don’t have doubt, it’s the devil.
We tried to stop Fabricio, but he goes down anyway. Why not? We all are going to die here. One hour later, Fabricio reappear, he brings bottles of water and the box with flares, but it is crushed, the monster again.
Fabricio spoke to us, but we are all too tired to hear.
He work all day on something, the rest of us already gave in.
As the dawn comes, it comes too, like it does every night since we got stranded over this reef: first it circles us, slowly. We can see that strange fin, cutting the water like a razorblade.
Then, when the night falls completely, it comes at us, like a torpedo.
The reef kept us safe until now, it is too big to be simply crushed by the devil, but still…when it hit the reef we all can hear and even feel the impact. He do it sometimes for hours, other times for minutes, mostly when we try to sleep.
Then it starts to snoops the rear end of the boat, the part almost entirely under water.
It shakes us, and tries to drag us into the darkness, but the reef don’t give up to his strength, and I thank god for it.
Then, the howling begun, like the cry of thousand dead souls, loud and dreadful, and the devil don’t stop until sun rises.
When the day comes, we cry, and try to sleep, but today we kept waked, Fabricio has a plan.
He has a spear, big steel hooks and a strong chain. He tie part of the chain to the body of the ship, so it won’t slip. The other part he ties to the hooks, and the hooks he tie around his torso, finally, he covers himself.
- When it comes, be prepared to swim to the island. Don’t stop, don’t look back.
Fabricio went in the water, even over the reef, only his shoulders and head stay out the water.
He is insane, we all can see what he want to do, but none of us try to stop him now. We are desperate.
Fabricio dive and we saw the water bursting with his blood. Caught in the first try.
We run and jump in the water. I am the last one to remain in the boat, I must be sure if it’s hooked: the chain rush to the water, pulled by the abnormal strength of the beast.
I jump too and I swim faster as I can. We reach the island, three out of eight, just in time to see it finally dragging the boat off the reef.
We cry and we laugh, we thank Fabricio and god, but suddenly, we can see something slowly crawling of the water like a crocodile, huge, horrible and evil.
Hanging from its mouth… a chain.
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