Sorry, its late, but i simply burned out what i wrote before(decided to make a whole new story over chemical zombies, a spin-off if you like) and give this one a more definitive end.
thank you!
* Two months since the last time I heard them screaming and hunting; On the streets they are all still and silent. Some move slowly, dragging feet, wandering, others just stay there, like statues.
The strange smell now are a toxic mist that never go away, dark, heavy, flooding the streets, sometimes higher than a car, others few inches over the pavement, but it’s deadly, and it come from them. Its dreadfully obvious: Mouth, nose and even skin, covered in bubbles filled with this strange gas, that bursts redeeming the once human bodies to shreds.
At first I thought it was my salvation: They would simple go away by themselves, like they came in first place. But it was before I realize how sick I am.
In the first weeks, we were told that only bites would be contagious. But then they informed that scratches were equally dangerous, soon it was any body fluid when in contact with unprotected skin. But we should have realized something didn’t add. They still multiplied in a absurd rate, even with increased quarantine measures.
Why took so long to realize it’s also airborne? No one look over it? Or they kept secret thinking that it would be pointless to warn the public, that it would be already too late to do anything?
I feel stupid, and I lay down on my tub, my little bunker in this hell. I look at the tip of my toes, black and necrotic. My body is numb, but I still feel pain, my mind burn with waves of agony. My pulse become slower and my temperature had been so high in the last week that would be enough to kill anyone in matter of hours, now drop rapidly.
Soon my temperature will be room temperature, and its winter.
Is hard to keep writing. I was crying, or I tough I was, but my tears were nothing but this dark chemical, liquid. I saw it become vapor in my hands and smell, maybe for the last time in my HUMAN life the odor of this poison.
Now everything is pale to my eyes, no dark, no bright, all pale, sepia…Confused.
So hungry…Pain is gone, no it just moved, from head to stomach. It’s like having a rabid dog on my belly, and it’s always hungry. If it’s not feed, it tortures me, but I can’t scream or even cry silently. And I know what food is.
I may not survive much longer, I don’t remember what is happening. I went down stairs, and removed the barricades on my doors. I don’t feel like writing anymore.
A woman’s cry.
Hunger and furious, I will eat today.
Amazing story, dude.