quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011


Watching from a mirror.rorrim a morf gnihctaW

When small, I used to think that some kind of parallel universe existed and we could see it only through mirrors, and it was absolutely identical to ours, except for that characteristic inversion of left and right.

I imagined that everything was so equal, that even or ideas and actions were equal and happened at the same time. Once I was a very lonely child, I even found the idea comforting, once I had a east one person who knew my feelings, and that was like me.

When I become a teenager, I forgot about it, not that I had new friends or more attention from my parents, no it was the other way around. I was tagged as the “loser” of my school, and was bullied daily.

They took my money, beat me severely, made me do their home works, humiliated by taking of my clothes… every single day.

No one never paid attention to it, or better, no one give a damn: Colleagues, teachers and even my parents look at me with disdain and spite, to them, I was only getting what I deserved for be such a pussy.

I was when I started to talk alone, or so people would say.

I only had one person to turn, and it was my mirror twin. At home I cried many times in front of my mirror, and I said comforting words to my mirror-twin, who cried in the other side. At school, after the beatings and pranks, I would to the bathroom, and I would be there to give strength to my twin.

People start calling me loon and other thinks, but I didn’t care. We were together against both worlds.

Within time we would be connected all the time, and he would suggest that we could be together in the same side; at least we won’t be alone anymore.

I agreed and we start gathering materials for our ritual.

At midnight, we do it. We both touch the glass that separates both worlds, and it become liquid.

Suddenly his fingers become claws, dark and strong, and I am dragged to the other side.
There I find a void. I am scared and I turn to him. He is so like me, but also so different! He mock me as he walk thought the portal and seal me there, now I am a puppet, mimicking any of his moves. Now he is me. Before he turn his back to me he say:

-Enjoy purgatory, and don’t worry about the asses you cried about so much. I will get them, eventually.

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